A new tool helps you understand how much you’ll earn with the inSHAPE App

2 min readSep 5, 2022


Are you curious to know how much $$$ will you earn exactly per month, from October 15th on, with the inSHAPE App Beta version or by using extra an inSHAPE NFT Wild Card All Sports VIP Edition?

Nothing could be simpler. The app provides you with a new tool, in fact a projection calculator, to help you find out exactly what you need to do per day or per month in order to earn a certain amount.

Anyone who wants to find out just needs to enter the number of steps they think they will be able to take daily, or the time duration of their workouts, and then the number of days per month when they are willing to exercise.

At the end, mention if you are simply using the app or if you will also use an NFT of a certain Quality and Level.

Even if you’re crazy about walking kilometers every day, we think it’s important to know that you can make at least 6 times more money for the same effort.

You’ll notice that for 10,000 steps done daily, at the end of the month you’ve produced $15.50 by using just the app, and $93 if you also used the cheaper NFT Wild Card VIP Edition (costs 1.8 BNB).

You can find the inSHAPE App projection calculator here: https://inshape.app/#calculator

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Written by inSHAPE

inSHAPE is a unique app that uses blockchain technology to reward crypto enthusiasts who workout

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